江戸-東京 パースペクティブ「日本橋江戸ばし」 / ふるかはひでたか / Hidetaka Furukawa

EDO-TOKYO perspective「Nihonbashi Edobashi」

紙にアクリル絵具 | acrylic on paper


江戸-東京 パースペクティブ「日本橋江戸ばし」
EDO-TOKYO perspective「Nihonbashi Edobashi」


◎Edo-Tokyo Perspective
 Tokyo has been repeatedly redeveloped at all times everywhere with its landscape changing thick and fast. Even Japanese people tend to forget it's their old capital for more than 400 years. At any rate, the city was called Edo when Samurai were walking around until 150 years ago.
 Yet, the time flowed here is never lost. Its cuisine culture symbolized by Sushi, Tempura and more is still alive, and the pop culture that produced UKIYOE woodblock prints, pictures of daily life of the Edo Period, can now be seen in cartoons and video games.
 "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo" by Hiroshige Utagawa is known as a masterpiece among UKIYOE of Edo and was actually produced right after a great quake called the Ansei Edo Earthquake.
 Probably, Hiroshige realized the home town he loves will be forgotten by succeeding generations unless it is preserved in pictures at least, seeing the destroyed, changing town after the quake in front of him.
 In recent years, I am drawing pictures of current Tokyo by reproducing part of Hiroshige's landscape paintings in my works while visiting the same places he painted. While painting, I feel Hiroshige makes me think what it means to paint and hand down the ever-changing scenery of Tokyo.
Hidetaka Furukawa